Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Big Baby

Just a quick update...

I had an ultrasound yesterday since the midwife was saying the baby was measuring big on the outside. Turns out he's about a week ahead of dates by the look of the ultrasound (rather than 3 weeks ahead by the external fundal height). He's also locked & loaded way down low. I'm hoping this is a sign he'll be joining us sooner rather than later, but not TOO soon. We still have some stuff to get done.

Oh yeah, and we actually saw HAIR on the baby's head on the ultrasound! Looked like he had little 1 inch bristles sticking out all over his head! :)

Everything else is looking good. Iron count is back up to normal too and I've only put on 1 lb in 3 weeks. THAT is a huge relief since it came on so fast and furious in the 2nd trimester after not gaining ANY in the first! Scary! I've never wanted to fit into a little pair of tight jeans so badly in my life! I WANT MY BODY BACK!!!

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