Saturday, September 8, 2007

Gobble Gobble

Ok, new update, late but better than never I suppose.

I had another appointment Tuesday. I am almost 2cm and have graduated from 75% effacement to 90%! YAY! So unless something just sputters out for no good reason, it’s all progress from here. The MW says she is surprised to see me moving along so well since I am a first-timer and she predicts I won’t go past my due date. YAY again!

2 down-sides though… my GBS (aka “booty strep”) came back + so that means 1. I’ll have to have an IV for antibiotics during labor which means 2. That if my water breaks early, that is befor my contractions get to 3 minutes apart, I have to go into the hospital to get the IV started. This is quite a bit of a bummer for me since I really just HATE antibiotics and I hate the idea of having nursing problems due to candida/thrush as I am prone to yeastie beasties. I’ve been eating yogurt, but the MW said to (and I should have listened to Jiminy Cricket when he was sitting on my shoulder at Whole Foods last week) load up on fresh acidophilus. One serving in the high-quality form is supposedly = to 8 servings if yogurt. I have been in the process of stocking up on items to make health shakes/smoothies and thought that I should get some probiotics to throw into the mix. But did I? NNNoooooooooooooo! So I’m off to Whole Foods in the morning to get a jump start. I WOULD like to get a Diflucan too, but the MW wants to try probiotics. I hate the idea of having to get thrush before I am allowed a prescription, so I might go over her head on that one and get one from the OBGYN or the Pediatrician.

In other news…I have developed sausage-brick, hairless hobbit feet; particularly my left one, which I assume is from poorer circulation. It goes away for the most part if I have my feet up, which I do right now to such an extent that they are 2 ft. above my head and I am twisted on the bed in such a way that would give you a kink in YOUR neck just looking at me type this. I didn’t know it was possible to have such swelling. I just bout 1 pair of 91/2 flats to get me through the end so I don’t embarrass Nick so much with wearing flip-flops 24/7. I was able to wear them for an hour before my marshmallows puffed up AROUND the shoes. I don’t think I’ll be making it to church next Sunday, as I just CAN’T wear flip-flops to service. They really are the ONLY thing I can wear on my feet that allow circulation.

Oh yeah, the other downside. Baby boy is posterior. That means he is head down but he is facing the front, instead of my spine. SO, I have to spend a lot of time on my knees and elbows the next few days or weeks to encourage him to roll his little butt over into a pleasant position. Until then, I can expect to continue to have painful back contractions and an even more painful labor. Thank goodness I went ahead and did my bloodwork and paperwork in case I wanted a water-birth. If he stays this way, it’s very likely I will be doing just that.

I received my New Native Baby sling the other day, so I’ve got to take that out of the package, get it washed for a “true fit” and figure out how to put it on. It looks like the least complicated out of anything else I’ve found fortunately. I also got the car seat from Jeannette and washed it up last night and spent an hour on the living room floor this morning trying to puzzle out how to put it all back together. It took about 10 tries, but I got it! I’m so proud of myself! Now to just put it in the truck along with my Boppy and the overnight bag, which I’m waiting until he last minute to throw in my makeup bag and my hair dryer. I’ve got my coming home outfit ironed and hanging ready to go in the truck and I suppose that as long as we leave for the hospital from the house, we will grab a couple of pillows and our favorite blanket for Nick then too.

I have another appointment on Monday, just 2 days from now and I’m excited to see some progress. I know that it may or may not mean anything in the amount of time until the turkey is done, but progress IS progress. I’ll update then hopefully, not like this post which is days late and probably won’t get read anyways. TTFN! I'll leave you with this:

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